
Toronto Regional Real Estate Market Watch — Interactive Tableau Dashboard

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Last Updated – June 2024

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Downtown C01 – Condo Apartment (City of Toronto)

In August of 2024, for Condos in Toronto C01, the average price was $741,066 according to Toronto Real Estate Market Watch. This is a significant decrease of 6.8% from the average price of $791,435 in August of 2023. Additionally, there was a further decrease by 9.4% in December of 2024, with an average price of $811,860. This significant decrease in average price could potentially attract more buyers to the market.

The average days on market for Condos in Toronto C01 also saw an increase in August of 2024, with an average of 36 days on market. This is a significant increase of 56.5% compared to the average of 23 days on market in August of 2023. However, there was a slight decrease by 16.7% in December of 2024, with an average of 30 days on market. This could indicate a slightly slower market for Condos in Toronto C01 in August of 2024.

For sales, there was a decrease of 21.1% in August of 2024, with 197 sales compared to 251 sales in August of 2023. However, there was an increase of 18.8% in December of 2024, with 234 sales. This could potentially be due to the decrease in average price, making condos more affordable for buyers in August of 2024.

New listings for Condos in Toronto C01 saw an increase in August of 2024, with 599 new listings. This is a significant increase of 23.2% compared to the 652 new listings in August of 2023. The December of 2024 saw a further increase by 54.9%, with 929 new listings. This increase in new listings could potentially provide more options for buyers in the market.

The number of active listings for Condos in Toronto C01 saw an increase in August of 2024, with 1452 active listings. This is a significant increase of 43.4% compared to the 1010 active listings in August of 2023. The number of active listings continued to increase by 10.9% in December of 2024, with 1610 active listings. This increase in active listings could potentially give buyers more bargaining power in the market.

The Months of Inventory for Condos in Toronto C01 saw a significant increase in August of 2024, with 7.4 months of inventory. This is a major increase from the 4 months of inventory in August of 2023. This indicates a shift towards a buyer’s market, potentially giving buyers more negotiation power. The December of 2024 saw a slight decrease to 6.9 months of inventory, but still remains relatively high compared to the previous year. Overall, the data suggests a more buyer-friendly market for Condos in Toronto C01 in August of 2024.







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Downtown C01 – Townhouse (City of Toronto)

In August of year 2024, the average price for CONDO TOWNHOUSES in Toronto C01 was at 935,000 canadian dollars, showing a decrease of approximately 7.7% compared to the average price in August of 2023, which was 1,012,922 canadian dollars. This decrease in 2024 can be attributed to a higher number of active listings and a lower number of sales and new listings, indicating a potential decrease in demand for CONDO TOWNHOUSES.

Days on market for CONDO TOWNHOUSES in Toronto C01 were relatively low in August of year 2024 at 32 days, compared to a slightly higher 13 days in August of 2023. This suggests a slower pace of sales and potentially more negotiation power for buyers. The low days on market also indicate a high demand for CONDO TOWNHOUSES in August of 2024, despite the decrease in average price.

The number of CONDO TOWNHOUSE sales in Toronto C01 for August of year 2024 was lower at 4 compared to the same month in 2023, which had 13 sales. However, there was a significant increase in December of 2024 with 11 sales in contrast to 13 sales in the same month in 2023. This suggests a potential spike in demand for CONDO TOWNHOUSES at the end of the year in 2024.

Even though the number of new listings for CONDO TOWNHOUSES in Toronto C01 was relatively stable in August of both 2024 and 2023, there was a significant increase of 33 new listings in December of 2024 compared to 17 in August of 2023. This could indicate an increase in supply and potentially a more balanced market for CONDO TOWNHOUSES in December of 2024.

In terms of active listings, there was no change between August of 2023 and August of 2024, with Toronto C01 having 36 active listings for CONDO TOWNHOUSES. This suggests a steady market in terms of available inventory. However, the market showed a potential shift towards a buyer’s market in December of 2024 with 36 active listings and 11 sales, resulting in a relatively high months of inventory ratio of 3.27.

Overall, the data for August of 2024 suggests a decrease in demand for CONDO TOWNHOUSES in Toronto C01, with a decrease in average price and sales compared to the same month in 2023. However, the potential spike in sales in December of 2024 and the stable number of active listings indicate a relatively balanced market for CONDO TOWNHOUSES in Toronto C01. The low days on market in August of 2024 also suggest a high demand for CONDO TOWNHOUSES, potentially leading to a seller’s market.

2024年8月,按以下多伦多房地产市场报告在多伦多C01区的CONDO TOWNHOUSE类型下:






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North York C14 – Condo Apartment (City of Toronto)

In August of 2024, the average price for Condos in Toronto C14 is predicted to be $678,869. This is a decrease of 5.19% from the average price in August of 2023, which was $715,922. However, by the end of the year in December 2024, the average price is expected to increase to $745,589, indicating a 9.82% increase from August 2024. This data suggests that there may be a slight decrease in demand for Condos in the Toronto C14 area in August 2024, but it will pick up by the end of the year.

On average, Condos in Toronto C14 tend to stay on the market for about 35 days in August. However, by the end of 2024 in December, this is expected to decrease to 29 days on market. This indicates that there may be a slightly more competitive market for Condos in the Toronto C14 area in August 2024 compared to August 2023 when the average days on market was 19 days.

The number of sales for Condos in Toronto C14 is predicted to remain consistent throughout the year in 2024 with 42 sales in both August and December. This is similar to the number of sales in August 2023, which was also 42. This data suggests that the demand for Condos in Toronto C14 will remain stable in 2024.

In August 2024, it is predicted that there will be 146 new listings for Condos in Toronto C14. This is an increase of 16.6% compared to the number of new listings in August 2023, which was 125. By the end of the year in December 2024, there will be even more new listings at 164, indicating a 10% increase from August 2024. This data suggests that there may be a slightly more competitive market for Condos in Toronto C14 in 2024 compared to 2023.

In terms of active listings, there will be a total of 274 Condos on the market in Toronto C14 in August 2024. This is an 87% increase from the number of active listings in August 2023, which was 146. However, there will be a slight decrease in the number of active listings by the end of the year in December 2024, with a predicted 263 Condos on the market. This is still a 47% increase from August 2023. This data suggests that there may be a more competitive market for Condos in Toronto C14 in 2024 compared to 2023.

Based on the “”Months of Inventory”” calculation, there will be a buyer’s market in August 2024 as the number of active listings will still outnumber the number of sales. However, this is still a decrease from August 2023 when there were more than double the number of active listings compared to sales. This data suggests that there may be more competition among buyers in the market in the Toronto C14 area in 2024 compared to 2023.

2024年8月,对于多伦多C14地区的公寓公寓型住宅,根据以下多伦多地产市场监测数据: 平均价格:2024年8月平均价格为678869加元, 2024年12月为745589加元,2023年8月为715922加元。较上一年同期,2024年8月的平均价格上涨9.31%, 2024年12月的平均价格上涨3.88%。





月化库存量:月化库存量的计算方法为“可售房源数量”除以“销量”。2024年8月的月化库存量为6.52个月,2024年12月为6.26个月,2023年8月为3.48个月。较上一年同期,2024年8月的月化库存量上涨87.86%,2024年12月的月化库存量上涨79.13%。由此可见,2024年8月的市场处于比较偏向卖方的状态,2024年12月的市场也是如此。当月化库存量等于3个月时,表示市场处于卖家和买家之间平衡的状态。 ” “

North York C14 – Detached House (City of Toronto)

The average price for a detached home in Toronto C14 in August of 2024 is estimated to be $2,864,200 according to the Toronto Real Estate Market Watch. This is an increase of approximately 24% compared to the average price in August of 2023, which was $2,311,600. However, there is a decrease in the average price compared to December of 2024, which is estimated to be $2,223,322. Overall, the average price for a detached home shows a positive trend with a significant increase in just one year.

The average number of days on market for a detached home in August of 2024 is estimated to be 37 days. This is an increase of approximately 85% compared to the number of days on market in August of 2023, which was only 20 days. However, there is a decrease in the average number of days on market compared to December of 2024, which is estimated to be just 19 days. This indicates that the market is moving quickly, with homes being sold at a faster rate than in previous years.

In terms of sales, there is a slight decrease in August of 2024 compared to August of 2023. In August of 2024, there were 5 sales for detached homes in Toronto C14, while there were 13 sales in August of 2023. However, there is an increase in sales compared to December of 2024, which had 13 sales. Based on this data, it appears that the sales for detached homes in Toronto C14 are relatively stable.

In August of 2024, there were 34 new listings for detached homes in Toronto C14. This is a slight increase compared to August of 2023, which had 32 new listings. However, there is a significant increase compared to December of 2024, which only had 49 new listings. This indicates that there may be a higher demand for detached homes in Toronto C14, as new listings are not keeping up with the number of sales.

The number of active listings for detached homes in Toronto C14 in August of 2024 is estimated to be 92. This is a significant increase compared to the same month in the previous year, where there were only 56 active listings. However, there is a minimal change compared to December of 2024, when there were 94 active listings. This data suggests that there may be more inventory available for buyers, but the timing of when to sell may also be a factor.

Based on the “”months of inventory”” calculation, which is the number of active listings divided by sales, it appears that there may be a shift towards a more balanced market in Toronto C14. In August of 2024, the months of inventory is estimated to be approximately 18 months, which is a significant increase compared to the same month of the previous year, where it was just over 4 months. However, there is a slight decrease compared to December of 2024, which had a months of inventory of approximately 7 months. This data indicates that the market may be shifting towards a buyer’s market, where buyers have more negotiation power compared to previous years.

按照以下描述,2024年8月,对于位于多伦多C14地区的独立屋: 平均价格为2864200加币,相比于2024年12月的2223322加币下降了5.02%,相比于2023年8月的2311600加币上升了23.98%。






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Markham – Condo Apartment (York Region)

In August of year 2024, the average price for Condos in Markham was 750,331 Canadian dollars according to Toronto Real Estate Market Watch. This represents a slight decrease from the average price in August of 2023, which was 752,489. However, by the end of December in 2024, the average price is projected to increase to 767,110 Canadian dollars. This indicates a significant increase in prices, with a percentage change of about 2.2% from August of 2024 to December of 2024.

Looking at the number of days on market, we can see a consistent trend of decreasing values. In August of 2024, the average days on market for a condo in Markham was 33. This decreased to 26 by December of 2024, indicating a faster pace of buying and selling in the real estate market. In contrast, in August of 2023, the average days on market was only 21, indicating a slower real estate market during that time period.

The number of sales in August of 2024 for Condos in Markham was 68. This number decreased to 48 by December of 2024, indicating a decrease in demand for condos. In comparison, the number of sales in August of 2023 was 63, showing a slight decrease from the projected sales in August of 2024. This could indicate a slower real estate market in the future.

New listings for Condos in Markham in August of 2024 was 143. This number increased to 189 by December of 2024, indicating an increase in supply of condos on the market. In comparison, in August of 2023, the number of new listings was only 114, showing a decrease in supply from the projected numbers in August of 2024.

The number of active listings in August of 2024 was 271. By December of 2024, this number increased to 295. In contrast, the number of active listings in August of 2023 was only 137. This indicates a significant increase in the supply of condos on the market, which could lead to more negotiation power for buyers.

Months of Inventory is an important indicator of the real estate market. In August of 2024, the months of inventory for condos in Markham was 3.98, indicating a balanced market. This number decreased to 2.71 by December of 2024, indicating a seller’s market where buyers have less negotiation power. In comparison, in August of 2023 the months of inventory was only 2.17, indicating an even stronger seller’s market.

在 2024 年 8 月,根据下方的多伦多房地产市场监测报告,预计该地区 Markham 的 CONDO APT (公寓) 的平均价格为 750331 加币。预计到 2024 年 12 月,平均价格将上升至 767110 加币。同时,相比于 2023 年 8 月的平均价格 752489 加币,这标志着一定程度的增涨。

在市天数指的是房屋从上市到售出所需的平均时间。据预测,在 2024 年 8 月,CONDO APT 的在市天数为 33 天,到了同年 12 月,这一数字可能会缩短至 26 天。与此同时,2023 年 8 月的在市天数为 21 天,预计也会有所增长。

在 2024 年 8 月,销量为 68 套 CONDO APT,这比同年 12 月的销量 48 套要高。相比之下,到了 2023 年 8 月,销量为 63 套。这表示销量有望在未来几年稳定增长。

新上市房源指的是在某一月份内新被列出的房源数量。据预计,到了 2024 年 8 月,CONDO APT 的新上市房源数量为 143 套,比同年 12 月的 189 套要少。到了 2023 年 8 月,这一数字为 114 套。

可售房源指的是某一时期内在市场上仍然可供购买的房源数量。在 2024 年 8 月,可售 CONDO APT 的数量为 271 套。到了同年 12 月,这一数字可能会上升至 295 套。相比之下,到了 2023 年 8 月,可售房源数量仅为 137 套。

月化库存量是通过将可售房源数量除以销量来计算的。根据预测,到了 2024 年 8 月,月化库存量为 271 套房源除以 68 套销量,即 3.99,这表示这一时期内市场将更有利于卖方。同样地,到了 2024 年 12 月,这一数字可能会降至 4.79,仍然处于卖方市场。相比之下,到了 2023 年 8 月,月化库存量为 2.17,明显是一个非常热门的卖方市场。

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Markham – Townhouse (York Region)

In August of year 2024, the average price for ATT/ROW/TWNHOUSE in Markham was $1,161,662 according to the Toronto Real Estate Market Watch. This was a decrease of 6.13% from December of year 2024 with an average price of $1,203,262 and a decrease of 6.5% from August of year 2023 with an average price of $1,243,467. This shows a downward trend in prices for this specific type of home in Markham.

The average days on market for ATT/ROW/TWNHOUSE in Markham in August of year 2024 was 31. This was an increase from December of year 2024 with 23 days on market and an increase from August of year 2023 with 17 days on market. This shows that it took longer to sell this type of home in August of year 2024, indicating a slow market for sellers.

In terms of sales, there were 41 transactions for ATT/ROW/TWNHOUSE in Markham in August of year 2024. This was an increase from 37 sales in December of year 2024 and a decrease from 40 sales in August of year 2023. This shows a slight increase in sales in August of year 2024 compared to the previous month, but a decrease compared to the same month in the previous year.

There were 86 new listings for ATT/ROW/TWNHOUSE in Markham in August of year 2024. This was a decrease from 112 new listings in December of year 2024 and an increase from 70 new listings in August of year 2023. This shows a decrease in new listings compared to the previous month, but an increase compared to the same month in the previous year. This indicates that there may still be demand for this type of home in Markham.

The number of active listings for ATT/ROW/TWNHOUSE in Markham in August of year 2024 was 140. This was an increase from 151 active listings in December of year 2024 and an increase from 60 active listings in August of year 2023. This indicates an increase in inventory for this type of home in August of year 2024 compared to the same month in the previous year.

The months of inventory for ATT/ROW/TWNHOUSE in Markham in August of year 2024 was 3.41. This was an increase from 4.08 months in December of year 2024 and an increase from 1.5 months in August of year 2023. This shows that the market may be shifting towards a more balanced market, as the months of inventory in August of year 2024 is closer to the balanced range of 3-6 months. However, with a higher number of active listings and slower sales, buyers may still have some negotiating power in this type of market.

In August of year 2024,在Toronto房地产市场报告下面的 对于Home Type = ATT/ROW/TWNHOUSE 在Markham地区, 根据以下内容:

对于Average Price:2024年8月的平均价格为1161662加元,2024年12月为1203262加元,2023年8月为1243467加元, 平均价格为降低了14.96%。 对于在市天数:2024年8月的在市天数为31天,2024年12月为23天,2023年8月为17天,平均天数降低了23.53%。

对于销量:2024年8月的销量为41套,2024年12月为37套,2023年8月为40套, 平均销量降低了12.50%。 对于新上市房源:2024年8月的新上市房源为86套,2024年12月为112套,2023年8月为70套, 新上市房源增加了28.57%。

对于可售房源:2024年8月的可售房源为140套,2024年12月为151套,2023年8月为60套, 可售房源增加了83.33%。

对于月化库存量:2024年8月的月化库存量为3.41个月,2024年12月为4.08个月,2023年8月为1.50个月, 月化库存量增加了117%

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Markham – Detached House (York Region)

In August of year 2024, the average price for a detached home in Markham is projected to be $1,747,534 according to the Toronto Real Estate Market Watch. This is a decrease of 1.8% compared to the projected average price of $1,810,025 in December of year 2024. However, it is also a slight increase of 0.8% compared to the average price of $1,782,753 in August of year 2023.

The projected days on market for a detached home in Markham in August of year 2024 is 25, which is an increase of 38.9% compared to the projected days on market of 18 in December of year 2024. This could potentially indicate a slower market with homes staying on the market longer. However, it is also an increase of 56.3% compared to the days on market of 16 in August of year 2023.

In terms of sales, it is projected that there will be 88 transactions for detached homes in Markham in August of year 2024. This is a decrease of 12.7% compared to the projected 100 transactions in December of year 2024. However, it is also a slight increase of 1.2% compared to the 87 transactions in August of year 2023.

There is expected to be a higher number of new listings for detached homes in Markham in August of year 2024, with a projected total of 223 new listings. This is an increase of 17.9% compared to the projected 263 new listings in December of year 2024. It is also an increase of 15.5% compared to the 193 new listings in August of year 2023.

The projected number of active listings for detached homes in Markham in August of year 2024 is 375. This is an increase of 4% compared to the projected 390 active listings in December of year 2024. However, it is also a significant increase of 51.2% compared to the 247 active listings in August of year 2023. This indicates a shifting market with potentially more inventory for buyers to choose from.

The months of inventory for detached homes in Markham is projected to be 4.26 in August of year 2024, calculated by dividing the active listings by the sales. This indicates a balanced market where neither buyers nor sellers have a significant advantage. However, it is also an increase from the projected 3.9 months of inventory in December of year 2024 and a significant increase from the 2.84 months of inventory in August of year 2023. This suggests a shift towards a more buyer’s market in the future.

2024年8月,根据以下的多伦多房地产市场观察结果,在马克姆地区,按照房屋类型 = 独立屋: 对于平均价格: 2024年8月的平均价格为1747534加元,2024年12月为1810025加元,2023年8月为1782753加元。

对于在市天数: 2024年8月的在市天数为25天,2024年12月为18天,2023年8月为16天。在市天数指的是一间房子在市场上能卖出的平均时间。

对于销量: 2024年8月的销量为88套,2024年12月为100套,2023年8月为87套。

对于新上市房源: 2024年8月的新上市房源为223套,2024年12月为263套,2023年8月为193套。新上市房源指的是在特定时间段内新出售的房屋数量。

对于可售房源: 2024年8月的可售房源为375套,2024年12月为390套,2023年8月为247套。可售房源指的是当前处于上市状态的房屋数量。

对于月化库存量: 月化库存量是通过将“可售房源”除以“销量”来计算的。在市天数拥有更低的月化库存量意味着一个更具有卖方优势的市场,而更高的月化库存量意味着一个更具有买方优势的市场。当月化库存量等于3时,意味着一个卖方和买方之间平衡的市场。计算结果为6.44,较上一年上升了29.23%。

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Richmond Hill – Townhouse (York Region)

In August of year 2024, the average price for ATT/ROW/TWNHOUSE homes in Richmond Hill is projected to be around $1,198,650 according to the Toronto Real Estate Market Watch. This is slightly lower than the average price for the same home type in December of year 2024, which is estimated to be $1,223,511. However, there is a significant decrease in average price compared to August of year 2023, which had an average price of $1,288,807. This reflects a 7.2% decrease in average price between August 2023 and August 2024.

The average number of days on market for ATT/ROW/TWNHOUSE homes in Richmond Hill is projected to be 21 days in August of year 2024, which is the same as the number of days in August of year 2023. However, there is a slight decrease in days on market between August and December of year 2024, with December having an estimated 19 days on market. This could suggest that the market is becoming more competitive towards the end of the year, with homes selling at a faster rate.

In terms of sales, the projected number of sales for ATT/ROW/TWNHOUSE homes in August of year 2024 is 38, which is a 40.7% increase compared to August of year 2023. However, there is a slight decrease in sales between August and December of year 2024, with December having an estimated 34 sales. This could mean that the market is starting to slow down towards the end of the year, with fewer homes being sold.

There is a similar trend in new listings, with a projected 72 new listings in August of year 2024 for ATT/ROW/TWNHOUSE homes in Richmond Hill. This is a 1.4% increase from August of year 2023, but a significant decrease when compared to December of year 2024, which is projected to have 97 new listings. This could indicate that as the year progresses, there is a decrease in new listings coming onto the market.

Lastly, the number of active listings is projected to increase from 110 in August of year 2024 to 125 in December of year 2024 for ATT/ROW/TWNHOUSE homes in Richmond Hill. This reflects a 13.6% increase in active listings towards the end of the year. As for the months of inventory, this would mean that there would be a buyer’s market in August and December of year 2024, with the inventory outnumbering the sales. However, the higher number of active listings in December may suggest that this is a more advantageous time for buyers in terms of negotiating power, as there is a higher inventory for them to choose from.

在2024年8月,根据以下多伦多房地产市场监测, 家居类型为ATT/ROW/TWNHOUSE。 在列治文山, 平均价格为:2024年8月为$123.9万加币,2024年12月为$122.4万加币,2023年8月为$128.8万加币。 相较于2023年8月,2024年8月的平均价格下降了3.4%。

在市天数:2024年8月为21天,2024年12月为19天,2023年8月为21天。 相较于2023年8月,2024年8月的在市天数没有明显变化。

销量:2024年8月为38套,2024年12月为34套,2023年8月为27套。 相较于2023年8月,2024年8月的销量上升了41.5%。

新上市房源:2024年8月为72套,2024年12月为97套,2023年8月为71套。 相较于2023年8月,2024年8月的新上市房源上升了1.4%。

可售房源:2024年8月为110套,2024年12月为125套,2023年8月为77套。 相较于2023年8月,2024年8月的可售房源上升了42.9%。

月化库存量是根据“可售房源”除以“销量”计算得出的。 由于2024年8月和2024年12月的销量和可售房源相近,因此月化库存量也相近。 2024年8月的月化库存量为2.9个月,相较于2023年8月的3.6个月,下降了19.4%。 这意味着2024年8月的月化库存量为买家市场,而2023年8月则为卖家市场。 一个月化库存量为3的市场则为卖家和买家之间的平衡市场。

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Richmond Hill – Detached House (York Region)

In August of year 2024, the average price for DETACHED homes in Richmond Hill is projected to be 2,132,535 CAD, based on Toronto Real Estate Market Watch data. This is a decrease of 3.5% from the average price in August of 2023, which was 2,084,851 CAD. However, compared to the projected average price for December of 2024, which is 1,905,989 CAD, there is a slight increase of 11.9%. This indicates that there may be a small decrease in prices between August 2023 and August 2024, followed by a slight increase by December 2024.

In terms of Days on Market, the projected data shows that homes would spend an average of 35 days on the market in August of 2024. This is an increase from August of 2023, which had an average of 25 days on the market. However, compared to the projected 32 days on the market for December of 2024, there is a slight decrease of 8.3%. This suggests that homes may spend a shorter period of time on the market in December 2024 compared to August of the same year.

For sales, it is estimated that 68 DETACHED homes will be sold in Richmond Hill in August of 2024. This is a decrease from the 78 homes sold in August of 2023, indicating a 12.8% decrease in sales. Compared to the projected sales for December 2024, which is 65, there is a slight decrease of 4.2%. This suggests that there may be a slight decrease in the number of DETACHED homes sold in Richmond Hill between August 2023 and August 2024, followed by a small increase by December 2024.

The projected data for new listings shows that there will be 197 new DETACHED home listings in August of 2024, which is an increase from the 180 new listings in August of 2023, indicating a 9.4% increase. However, compared to the projected 243 new listings for December 2024, there is a decrease of 19%. This suggests that there may be a greater number of new listings in August 2024 compared to August 2023, but by December 2024 this number may decrease significantly.

Lastly, the projected data for Active Listings shows that there will be 418 DETACHED homes for sale in Richmond Hill in August of 2024. This is an increase from the 282 Active Listings in August of 2023, indicating a 48.2% increase in available homes for sale. Compared to the projected 422 Active Listings in December 2024, there is a slight decrease of 0.9%. This suggests that there may be a higher number of Active Listings in August 2024 compared to August 2023, but by December 2024 the number may decrease slightly.

Based on the Months of Inventory data, it can be projected that there may be a buyer’s market in Richmond Hill for DETACHED homes in August of 2024. With an estimated 3.4 months of inventory, buyers may have more negotiation power in this market. In comparison, August of 2023 had a lower Months of Inventory at 3.6, potentially indicating a more seller’s market. By December 2024, the projected Months of Inventory is slightly higher at 3.4, indicating a more balanced market where buyers and sellers have similar negotiation power. Overall, the data suggests that there may be a slight decrease in prices and sales in the DETACHED home market in Richmond Hill from August 2023 to August 2024, but a potential increase in both categories by December 2024.








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Aurora – Detached House (York Region)

In August of 2024, the average price for a detached home in Aurora is expected to decrease by approximately 2.5%, from $1,675,512 to $1,634,982 when compared to August of 2023. However, the market is expected to pick up in the following months, as the average price for December of 2024 is forecasted to increase to $1,790,483. This suggests a 9% increase from the previous year, indicating a strong demand for detached homes in Aurora in the near future.

Days on market for detached homes are expected to remain relatively stable from August of 2023 to August of 2024. However, there is a slight decrease in the expected number of days on market, with a drop from 13 days in August of 2023 to 11 days in December of 2024. This could indicate a more competitive market for detached homes in Aurora, with buyers potentially facing more competition and shorter listing times for available properties.

Sales for detached homes in August of 2024 are forecasted to decrease by approximately 24% from August of 2023, with a total of 50 sales in August of 2023 compared to 38 sales in August of 2024. However, this is expected to pick up in the following months, with an estimated 37 sales in December of 2024, representing a 26% increase from August of 2024. This could suggest a slower market for detached homes in Aurora, with a potential increase in demand towards the end of the year.

New listings for detached homes in Aurora are expected to experience a steady increase, from 73 listings in August of 2023 to 88 listings in August of 2024. This represents a 20% increase over the course of the year. Additionally, December of 2024 is forecasted to see a significant jump in new listings, with an estimated 111 properties being listed. This could indicate a more competitive market for buyers, as there may be a higher number of available properties for them to choose from.

Active listings for detached homes in Aurora are expected to experience an overall increase from August of 2023 to August of 2024. However, there is a significant decrease in active listings from August to December of 2024, dropping from 153 to 155. This suggests that there may be a higher demand for detached homes in Aurora towards the end of the year, potentially creating a more competitive market for buyers.

Based on the calculations, it is expected that the market for detached homes in Aurora will slightly favor sellers, with a months of inventory of 4.08 in August of 2024. This is a slight decrease from the previous year’s months of inventory of 4.37 in August of 2023. While this may indicate a more balanced market between buyers and sellers, a lower months of inventory also suggest that there may be a higher demand for detached homes in Aurora and potentially less negotiation power for buyers.

Days on Market 在市天数







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Aurora – Townhouse (York Region)

In August of year 2024, the average price for ATT/ROW/TWNHOUSE homes in Aurora according to the Toronto Real Estate Market Watch is $971,667. This is a 17% decrease from the average price in August of 2023, which was $1,173,333. However, the average price is expected to increase by 9% by December of year 2024 to $1,063,000.

Based on the days on market data, it seems that homes in Aurora are selling at a slower pace in August of year 2024 compared to the same month in 2023. The average days on market for homes in August of 2024 is 31, which is a 94% increase from August of 2023 where the average days on market was only 16. Similarly, the expected days on market for December of 2024 is 19, which is a 16% increase compared to December of 2023 where the average days on market was 14. This data suggests that homes in Aurora may be taking longer to sell in 2024 compared to 2023.

Interestingly, the number of sales for ATT/ROW/TWNHOUSE homes in Aurora is expected to increase by 100% from August of 2023 to August of 2024. In August of 2023, there were only 3 sales, but this is expected to triple to 6 sales by August of 2024. Similarly, for December of 2024, the number of sales is expected to increase by 33% compared to December of 2023 where there were only 9 sales. This indicates that there may be more demand for homes in Aurora in 2024 compared to 2023.

The new listings data also supports the idea that there may be more demand for homes in Aurora in 2024. The number of new listings is expected to increase by 5% from August of 2023 to August of 2024. In August of 2023, there were only 18 new listings, but this is expected to increase to 19 in August of 2024. Similarly, for December of 2024, there are expected to be 30 new listings, compared to only 27 in the 7th month of 2024. This data suggests that there may be more opportunities for buyers in the Aurora market in 2024.

The months of inventory data is an important indicator of the balance between supply and demand in the housing market. In August of 2024, there are expected to be 31 active listings for ATT/ROW/TWNHOUSE homes in Aurora, and with an expected 6 sales, the months of inventory is expected to be 5.17. This indicates a buyer’s market, with buyers having more negotiation power due to the higher supply of homes. However, this is a decrease from the 7th month of 2024, where the expected months of inventory is 7.33. This suggests that the market may shift towards a more seller’s market as the year progresses, with a higher demand for homes and a lower supply. Overall, the data suggests that the Aurora market for ATT/ROW/TWNHOUSE homes may become more competitive for buyers in 2024 compared to 2023.

In August of 2024, 对于[家屋类型]= ATT/ROW/TWNHOUSE,在Aurora地区,根据以下的 多伦多市房地产市场观察表: 标准价格: [2024年]8月份的平均价格为971667, [2024年]12月份的平均价格为1063000, [2023年]8月份的平均价格为1173333. 在市天数: [2024年]8月份的在市天数为31天, [2024年]12月份的在市天数为19天, [2023年]8月份的在市天数为16天. 销量: [2024年]8月份的销量为6套, [2024年]12月份的销量为9套, [2023年]8月份的销量为3套. 新上市房源: [2024年]8月份的新上市房源为19套, [2024年]12月份的新上市房源为30套, [2023年]8月份的新上市房源为18套. 可售房源: [2024年]8月份的可售房源为31套,[2024年]第7个月的可售房源为27套,[2023年]8月份的可售房源为23套.

月化库存量 月化库存量指的是[可售房源]除以[销量]的结果. [2024年]8月份的月化库存量为5.17个月,比[2024年]12月份的月化库存量4.11个月有所增加,比[2023年]8月份的月化库存量6.33个月有所减少. 这意味着[2024年]8月份的房地产市场更加偏向卖方,[2024年]12月份则更偏向买方,而[2023年]8月份则处于卖方和买方之间的平衡状态.

更为细节的语言包括 “”Toronto””, “”Markham””, “”Aurora””, “”Whitby””, “”Oakville””, “”Richmond Hill”” 等,在中文中保持原英文的单词不进行翻译. ” “

Newmarket – Detached House (York Region)

In August of year 2024, the average price for a detached home in Newmarket according to Toronto Real Estate Market Watch was $1,178,081. This marked a decrease of 16.1% compared to the average price in August of 2023 which was $1,403,907. However, there was an increase of 9.3% compared to the projected average price for December of 2024 which was $1,280,657.

The average number of days on market for a detached home in Newmarket in August of 2024 was 22 days, which was an increase compared to the average days on market in August of 2023 which was 18 days. However, there was only a slight increase of 4.3% compared to the projected days on market for December of 2024 which was 23 days.

In terms of sales, there were a total of 37 sales for detached homes in Newmarket in August of 2024. This was a slight decrease of 11.1% compared to the sales in August of 2023 which was 42. However, there was an increase of 37.8% compared to the projected sales for December of 2024 which was 51.

The number of new listings for detached homes in Newmarket in August of 2024 was 88. This was a slight decrease of 14.6% compared to the new listings in August of 2023 which was 103. However, there was an increase of 38.6% compared to the projected new listings for December of 2024 which was 122.

The number of active listings, which represents the number of properties still available for purchase, for detached homes in Newmarket in August of 2024 was 144. This marked an increase of 21.0% compared to the active listings in August of 2023 which was 119. However, there was only a slight increase of 6.9% compared to the projected active listings for December of 2024 which was 154.

Lastly, the months of inventory for detached homes in Newmarket in August of 2024 was 3.89. This indicates a buyer’s market, where buyers have more negotiation power, since the months of inventory is higher than 3. However, the months of inventory is expected to decrease in December of 2024 to 3.02, which indicates a more seller’s market.

为2024年8月,针对Newmarket的DETACHED类型房屋,在下面的Toronto Real Estate Market Watch中:







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Oakville – Detached House (Halton Region)

In August of year 2024, for Home Type = DETACHED in Oakville, according to Toronto Real Estate Market Watch, the average price for August of 2024 is $1,953,377. This is a decrease of 1.5% compared to December of 2024, where the average price was $2,012,349. However, when comparing to August of 2023, there is a significant increase of 469.1%. This shows a steady and strong growth in the real estate market in Oakville for detached homes.

For the average days on market in August of year 2024, the number is 35 days, which is longer compared to December of 2024 where the average number of days on market was 27. This shows a 29.6% increase in the time it takes for a detached home to sell in Oakville. Additionally, when comparing to August of 2023, there is a more significant increase of 75%, indicating that there may be a slowdown in the real estate market or that home buyers are taking more time to make a decision.

In terms of sales, the number of sales for detached homes in Oakville in August of year 2024 is 82. This is a slight decrease of 6.1% compared to December of 2024, where there were 87 sales. However, when comparing to August of 2023, there is a slight decrease of 1.1%. This shows a relatively stable and consistent market for detached homes in Oakville.

New listings for detached homes in Oakville in August of year 2024 is 229. When comparing to December of 2024, there is a slight increase of 19.7% in the number of new listings. When comparing to August of 2023, there is a relatively stable market with only a slight decrease of 0.4%. This shows that the market for new listings is holding steady in Oakville for detached homes.

The number of active listings for detached homes in Oakville in August of year 2024 is 469. This is a slight increase of 1.9% compared to December of 2024, where there were 478 active listings. When comparing to August of 2023, there is a significant increase of 64.6%. This indicates that there may be more inventory available for buyers to choose from, potentially leading to a more balanced or buyer’s market in Oakville for detached homes.

With a months of inventory of 5.7 in August of year 2024, this shows that there is a balanced market for detached homes in Oakville. This means that there is a relatively equal balance of supply and demand, with neither buyers nor sellers having a significant advantage. However, when comparing to December of 2024, there is a slight increase in the months of inventory, indicating a potential shift towards a more buyer’s market. Similarly, compared to August of 2023, there is a significant increase in the months of inventory, indicating a potential slowdown in the market and an advantage for buyers in negotiations.

2024年8月, 在Toronto Real Estate Market Watch以下,根据家庭类型 =独立住宅, 价格为DUED的Oakville地区:


2024年8月的可售房源为469套,比2023年8月的343套增长了近30%。12月的可售房源为478套,比8月的数量增长了近 2%。
月化库存量为 469/82 = 5.72,比2023年12月的月化库存量 478/87 = 5.48, 上升了近1%,但比2023年8月的5.43上升了超过5%。月化库存量上升意味着房源供应增加,市场较为稳定。

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Whitby – Detached House (Durham Region)

The average sale price for a detached home in Whitby in August 2024 is 1,091,470 Canadian dollars, showing a slight decrease of 1.8% compared to the previous year in August 2023 when the average price was 1,133,306 Canadian dollars. However, by the end of the year, in December 2024, the price is expected to increase to 1,115,330 Canadian dollars, showing a decrease of only 1.6% compared to the current month of August 2024. This indicates a relatively stable market for detached homes in Whitby, with a slight fluctuation of prices.

The average days on market for a detached home in Whitby in August 2024 is 19 days, showing an increase of 26.7% compared to the previous year in August 2023 when the average days on market were only 15 days. However, by December 2024, the days on market are expected to decrease to 17 days, showing a decrease of 10.5% compared to the current month of August 2024. This indicates a relatively fast-paced market, but not as competitive as the previous year in August 2023.

For sales, in August 2024, there were 92 sales for detached homes in Whitby, showing an increase of 26.0% compared to the previous year in August 2023 when there were only 73 sales. By December 2024, there is an expected increase of 8.7%, with a total of 100 sales. This indicates a healthy demand in the market for detached homes in Whitby, with an increase of sales compared to the previous year.

New listings for detached homes in Whitby in August 2024 are expected to be 153, showing a slight decrease of 9.4% compared to the previous year in August 2023 when there were 170 new listings. However, by December 2024, there is an expected increase of 66.7%, with 254 new listings. This indicates a slower rate of new listings compared to the previous year, but by the end of the year, there is a significant increase, showing a potentially competitive market for buyers.

Active listings refer to the total number of properties available for sale. In August 2024, there are expected to be 206 active listings for detached homes in Whitby, showing an increase of 36.4% compared to the previous year in August 2023 when there were only 151 active listings. By December 2024, there is an expected increase of 20.0%, with 244 active listings. This indicates a slightly slower-paced market in terms of available properties, but still providing a healthy supply for potential buyers.

About “”months of inventory””: It is calculated by dividing active listings by sales. For a dynamic real estate market, a ratio of less than 3 is typically considered a seller’s market, indicating a higher demand for properties and making it a lucrative market for sellers. In August 2024, the months of inventory is 2.2, showing a slight decrease from the previous year in August 2023 when it was 2.1. This indicates a stable seller’s market with a healthy demand for detached homes in Whitby.














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